HI Laboratory of Medical Imaging Research (HILMIR)
Lotta María Ellingsen, Ph.D
Associate Professor and Head of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences University of Iceland
Email: Lotta@hi.is
- Curriculum Vitae

Main interest
I have a long-standing interest in implementing engineering methods to solve problems in medicine.
I have extensive experience performing research on three-dimensional medical image registration and segmentation, with applications to brains, pelvises, and statistical atlases.
I have particular expertise in deformable 3D-3D image registration of magnetic resonance images of the human brain for different application purposes, including the automatic generation of subject-specific anatomical labels.
Current focuses
My current work focuses on developing pipelines for automatic segmentation and labeling of brain anatomy for systematic analysis of brain dysmorphology for two main application areas:
- to better characterize clinical syndromes for personalized medicine, such as in normal pressure hydrocephalus in elderly patients, and
- to bridge the two fields of medical image analysis and genetics through systematic analysis of subtle brain structural abnormalities in children with both known and unknown genetic syndromes.
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 2009-2010
- Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2008
- MSE in electrical and computer engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2004
- BS in electrical and computer engineering, University of Iceland, 2001
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hjarðarhaga 2-6
107 Reykjavík
Tel: +354 525-4670
Email: Lotta@hi.is